When Life Hurts, Let’s Observe: How to Be a Lazy Environmentalist
I hope you all are staying healthy and well despite of this “pandemic” situation — global public health crisis. The current situation is heart-breaking, but let’s try to shift a perspective and observe, especially when life hurts. We can never take our loved ones, safety, health or anything for granted.
In fact, we are experiencing significant improvement in our environment. The air pollution in Wuhan, China is becoming alleviated. The canals of Venice are becoming clean. Birds are tweeting and seem happy, away from ignorant tourists. Insects are feeling safe, away from destructive agricultural practices (land-grazing, logging, fracking, use of GMO, deforestation, etc). Fish are swimming freely, away from potential danger of choking on plastics. Trees are meditating at peace, away from people logging on a tremendous scale.
As a moderate environmentalist, I cannot help thinking this hardship has been given for us to realize that environmental sustainability is highly in demand. Maybe God is telling us to slow down the modern pace of urbanization. Maybe we are killing too many animals for our egoistic greed, destroying the original beauty of the nature, producing plastics, and consuming food in unsustainable ways. As a minimalist, this sinful materialism of modern society is just a curse. By overcoming this hardship, we will be strong together — it is time to stop the tragedy of the commons and strive for environmental justice. Sounds way too idealistic? Well, we can all make these following into a habit and start contributing to the well-being of the earth. Sands can be mountains; individuals’ effort really matter.
Remember: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reducing amount of carbon emissions can be achieved by riding a bicycle, using public transportation, and turning off electricity as often as possible. All the lights do not need to be on when there is no one in the room. Do you need another TV? You already have one. Reduce use of single-use-plastics since they are just demon for the environment— harming fish in the ocean, threatening public health of local communities and people, and destabilizing the harmonious international relations since developed countries tend to ship out plastic waste into other country; for instance, the U.K. sent plastic waste to India. Single-use-plastics are basically waste with no where to go for disposal unless recycled properly.
Reusing can be pretty simple. Stop using disposable paper towels, paper plates, paper bull crap. Towels, containers, bottles, there are so many things that can be reused . Take a reusable bag with you for grocery shopping. I never buy bottled water; instead, I carry a bottle everywhere. Unless you recycle and be responsible for your waste, I personally don’t think you have a right to purchase bottled water. No offence.
Recycling can be simple. Research your local recycling facility. Plastics, compose, cans, aluminum, glass, etc… we are surrounded by so many types of resources to be recycled.
Go Organic
GMO ruins our soil. Modern agriculture is all about soil erosion that causes flooding and artificial fertilizer that pollute neighboring river and streams as well as fish and plants. (and consider the food chain). This might sound a little bit radical but if I ever become President of this country, I would ban any agricultural practices that are non-organic since it is not only unsustainable but also threatens public health of local communities, leading to environmental injustice. Organic product is expensive? Yes, I have been a poor college student who would be so happy and jump into donuts that my boss had brought into the office. However…that makes me think: how can we create society where everyone has access to organic/safe product? Universal income in demand? Where would that money come from? (rising corporation tax on big companies that are responsible for mistreating the environment… hmm sounds familiar). We use too much chemicals and preservatives in our product. Know which ones are potential harm and protect your loved one.
Start Imperfectly Plant-based Diet
No one is perfect. Just know that the ratio of crops grown to feed a vegetarian for a year and a meet eater is 1:10. I would like to say people are all free to eat whatever they want, but maybe it is time for social responsibility and a taste of collectivism. Having lived in the U.S. for 4 years, I am just shocked to witness people do not give a crap about what they consume and how it will affect them in the future. They should realize that fast-food, for instance, is made to be addictive so that big pharmacies benefit from their diabetes. Am I getting shot saying this? Wait, the U.S. Constitution says I have Freedom of Speech. Don’t get me wrong; I love this country, people, culture. I just care way too much. Our body is literally a temple of God. Let’s eat more vegetables, reduce amount of meat that we consume, and boost our immune system (especially for this pandemic disease). I have not got sick for 4 years nor have I seen a doctor for 10 years. We can do this.
Support Local Businesses & Local Markets
Big companies are taking over the world, mass-producing items and killing animals with a machinery system. In society like this, local businesses that contribute to local communities and local markets that provide you organic, healthy product are highly in demand. Visit family-owned restaurants in your local community — you will feel loved, munching on cozy food.
Think Before Purchase: Where is the Source & Do I Really Need This?
My favorite coffee beans are fair-trade certified. My favorite green tea is organically grown. I bought my favorite pair of yoga pants at a local store when I visited Thailand. I barely go shopping but when I do, I make sure I do not have similar product. By asking yourself questions like this, you can save money, avoid food waste, be a smart consumer.
Consider Minimalist Lifestyle
I love my simple life. Less possessions, more I feel enlightened. Health is a gift and contentment is wealth. I personally feel bad for, for instance, celebrities who always crave for a bigger house, more accessories, more fame, more clothes, more more more… wake up, people. They are killing other people indirectly — you know why? The Production iceberg — a typical product uses at least 20 times more materials including minerals, coal, water, and oil. Consider these product has to be transported, reducing more carbon dioxide which threaten our public health…
Support Local NPOs and NGOs to Advocate Environmental Sustainability
There are several environmental organizations. Search for ones in your local community. Policy to regulate recycling, control companies’ methods of recycling, implement green technology — all of them ironically come from environmental policies. Even though I have a love & hate relationship with politics and laws that make me astonished and disappointed on a daily basis, I try to keep faith and be engaged in advocacy.
We Might Not Have A Lot of Time Left
Even though people around me describe me as a”very optimistic and easy-going person”, I honestly feel environmental improvement is highly in demand. Collaboration is the key; there is no time for conflict or war. Can we co-exist with the nature as human species had always done until industrial revolution started manipulating our ideology and brainwashing us under the name of neo-liberalism,capitalism, colonialism, you name it? What we demand is green technology, empowerment of local businesses, support for fair-trade and sustainable agriculture.